Thursday, October 25, 2007

I have spent more time creating another blog than putting the time into this one. So, I'll start from there.
On my other bloc, rec ref relief, I have created a sort of community for my employees to gather and discuss or vent specific issues that come across their minds. In this blog, I have listed a collection of web sites that they can use to scour for any answers to questions they may have and also a list of other blogs they can reach out to if ours is too boring or if they want to be even more anonymous than our blog allows.
So, how does this relate to
Well, my list of sites and blogs stretches on and on almost cluttering the blog. A resource like would shorten that list into one and get rid of the clutter. This may not be the best use of, but for now, it would be a start.
Again, I believe focusses more on a community of users rather than someone simply stumbling upon your page. As I did with my second blog, I created this community rather than spout my thoughts and see if anyone else makes contact. With, a teacher can use her class as that community...and then if and when others connect with that page, a larger community is made.
I have not tried many of the Web 2.0 products...but hope to. For me it is more about having a purpose than finding a purpose for using it.

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